Cecilia Barron
Cecilia Barron went to the hospital in Mena, Arkansas, on April 27, 2003, having mild contractions with her first baby. Because she lived 35 miles from the hospital, she was kept for observation. She was there for about 4 hours, with her dilation at 2 centimeters before she began having problems. Her husband, who was with her in her hospital room, came out and told the nurse that she was having a problem breathing. The nurse called the doctor. Then she entered the room and found Ms. Barron really struggling to breathe.
An emergency cesarean was performed. The baby did well, but physicians were unable to save Ms. Barron's life. Labor was neither induced nor augmented in her case.
An emergency cesarean was performed. The baby did well, but physicians were unable to save Ms. Barron's life. Labor was neither induced nor augmented in her case.