Safe Motherhood Quilt Project In the News:
My Wife Died Giving Birth
Harpers Magazine, August 2009
Craft Depicts Needless Deaths of Mothers, Women's eNews,
November 1, 2001
Quilt honors mothers who died giving birth
Columbia Daily Herald, December 5, 2005
Articles on Maternal Mortality
Doctor testifies patient deteriorated very fast
The Daily Star Online, October 14, 2005
Jagged Little Pill
What every pregnant woman should know about a powerful new drug
Oakland's Urbanview, April 3-9, 2002
Woman May Have Died From Overdose At Hospital
Birth Scene, January 16, 2003
Protein may predict preeclampsia in pregnancy
USA TODAY, February 8, 2004
Forced Labor
Mother Jones, January/February 2001
Cytotec: Dangerous Experiment or Panacea?, January/February 2001
Man sues Brigham and Women's over death of his wife
Boston Globe, January 4, 2005
Mom, Baby Found Dead
The Jamaica Star Online, January 7, 2005
Soldiers remember fallen troop
Fort Drum Blizzard Online, January 13, 2005
Family Sues After Woman Dies From Mistake At Military Hospital
The Hawaii Channel KITV, May 9, 2005
When Doctors Make Mistakes
Good Housekeeping, April 2001
Poor Performance Records Are Easily Outdistanced
The Washington Post, April 12, 2005
19-year-old dies after giving birth in dorm
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, January 30, 2002